Purim-Veranstaltung für gefährdete Kinder

Montag, 16. März 2020

At-risk children face enormous difficulties—commonly due to dysfunction, neglect, or abuse in their homes. And since these precious children need so much support, our organization cares for their needs and well-being in a variety of ways.

This year, we contributed to a festive and luxurious lunch event for at-risk children in Jerusalem called the Purim Happening. The children enjoyed different activity stations such as target shooting, a treasure hunt, after which students from the “Susiya Yeshiva” presented a play in honor of the event. At the end, the children were given the traditional goodie package for Purim, Mishlo’ach Manot.

At the event, we met a lovely girl who lives in the shadow of unbearable fights between her parents, accompanied by verbal and emotional abuse. The fights between the parents have resulted in a significant deterioration in the family's financial situation. But despite all this, she managed, for a few hours, to forget the reality of her difficult life, and to take part in the celebration—and even to dress up in a costume.

The children enjoyed the festive atmosphere, the indulgent meal, the activities, and the attention. Having a break from their routine meant a lot to them, and they were happy to celebrate Purim as much as all children should.

In a thank you letter, the center’s project manager wrote to us: "This year also, we all enjoyed a joyful and well-invested opportunity for the children of the facilities*... thanks to the sponsorship of Vision for Israel, for which we are thankful. For the children, it was a meaningful and joyful experience that allowed them to enjoy and celebrate Purim in a festive and joyful atmosphere.”

*Facilities, in this case, are child-care facilities for children at risk

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