Eine bessere Zukunft für Überlebende des Terrors

Sonntag, 13. September 2020

Life changed in an instant. Financially, mentally, physically—from that ill-fated moment onward, their lives were cast into disarray. And now, it’s up to us to help them pick up the pieces.

When young members from these families enroll in higher education, they literally cling to life, and to the future—with a tremendous effort to rehabilitate themselves and acquire a profession that will help them stand on their own two feet and support their family with dignity.

Architecture, building engineering, electrical engineering, computers, special needs education teaching, and more…

This is their answer to terrorism. It’s their victory over acts of hatred, through the love of life and the strong desire to succeed.

Our team has always been motivated by the desire to give to the needy. But the opportunity to distribute scholarships to students from families affected by terrorism is particularly meaningful.

Every year, it warms our hearts to see these young people, whose families have been so badly hurt—determined to build their future.

For six years now we have been a part of their success. And to date, we have helped 420 students fulfill their dream, through scholarships distributed at an event held in collaboration with the Organization for Israel's Terror Victims.

At this year's event, Vision for Israel distributed scholarships to 76 students—Jews, and Arabs. Due to the Ministry of Health's instructions, we had to hold the event outside, which didn’t diminish in the least the festive and joyous atmosphere.

Talking to the students, we learned about the difficult experiences they went through: infiltration of terrorists into their home, Molotov cocktails thrown at them, terrorists who detonated themselves next to them, missiles that hit them, being orphaned from parents, the death of siblings and children, and other inconceivable traumas.

Sarit* and her father were injured in a terror attack in 2001 when she was 17. Terrorists shot at her car. They were both injured, with Sarit in critical condition.

The period after the attack was very difficult—both mentally and physically. She underwent several surgeries, which resulted in additional health complications.

But today, Sarit is married with six children—and is the director of the Hila program for ultra-Orthodox girls and at-risk youth.

*Name has been changed

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