Ein neues Sanitätsmotorrad für ZAKA

Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2020

Due to the generous donations of our heroic donors, Vision for Israel has been able to donate a new life-saving medi-cycle to ZAKA, which will be stationed in the south of Israel, in the city of Eilat.

ZAKA (abbreviation for Zihuy Korbanot Ason, meaning Disaster Victim Identification) is a series of voluntary community emergency response teams in Israel.

The medi-cycle was dedicated on Sunday in a small ceremony that was held at the Millennium Center, in the presence of ZAKA's chairman, Barry and Batya, ZAKA's CEO, staff members, and volunteers.

Barry said, "This is a moving moment for me. I made Aliyah to Israel as a lone soldier about 30 years ago, and since then I have been working a lot to help lone soldiers and the weaker populations. Saving lives is in my blood. I thank the ZAKA volunteers with all my heart for working year-round to save lives... I bless this activity and holy work. We will continue to cooperate between our organizations in saving lives, in order to improve life for humanity and for the people of Israel".

ZAKA CEO, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, gave Barry and Batya a certificate of appreciation and said, "I am anticipating and praying that the medi-cycle will only be called for births and happy occasions. There is no doubt that this donation will help the residents of Eilat immensely."

The medi-cycle is equipped with the best medical equipment and will provide first-aid, and quick response in the city of Eilat and the surroundings.

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