Fiesta de los Tabernáculos 2023

Brighton, Reino Unido

14 Octubre 2023

Fiesta de los Tabernáculos 2023

Barry Segal

Taking Action in the Midst of Crisis | VFI's Timely Aid, Bomb Shelters, and Medical Support

An excerpt of the talk given by Barry Segal at this year's Feast of Tabernacles Event in Brighton on October 14th.
Derek Walker

The Significance of Psalm 83 | Praying Through the Israel-Hamas Conflict

In this compelling video, explore the spiritual dimensions of the Israel-Hamas conflict through a detailed analysis of Psalm 83. Join us as Derek Walker draws parallels between biblical battles, like those in the Book of Judges, and the ongoing struggle in the Middle East.
Simon Barret

The Rise of Antisemitism and Islam in Europe | Simon Barret

Delve into the harrowing details of the October 7th Hamas attacks in this exclusive video. Gain profound insights into the horrifying events, from assaults on kibbutzim to targeted atrocities, and unravel the geopolitical complexities, including Iran's role in the crisis.

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United States
T: +1 (704) 583-8445
F: +1 (704) 583-8308

Hazon Le’Israel
P.O. Box 9145
Modi'in, 7178451
T: +972 (8) 978 6400
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