Nuestra Celebración Bar/Bat Mitzvá

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2022

Mas el Dios de toda gracia, que nos llamó a su gloria eterna en Jesucristo, después que hayáis padecido un poco de tiempo, él mismo os perfeccione, afirme, fortalezca y establezca.

1 Pedro 5:10

Dear Friends,

The hostilities that have marked our country have broken many families and plagued them with loss. Shmuel is one such victim. When he was five years old, Shmuel’s family was attacked by terrorists and in one tragic moment, he lost his father.

Without their father, Shmuel’s family spiraled into sorrow and poverty. And Shmuel is not alone — hundreds of children throughout Israel carry the burden of similar trauma and the ensuing financial hardships.

When children such as Shmuel reach the age of their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, the families often do not have the means or mental strength to host a Bar or Bat Mitzvah celebration. That’s where we’ve found a way to help.

Every year, Vision for Israel organizes a Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebration for over 60 children who have been victims of terror. It is our honor to give these boys and girls a celebration to share with their families, who have suffered so much.

Shmuel and the other children will enjoy an elaborate meal, generous gifts, and a meaningful ceremony at the President of Israel’s official house.

We are thrilled to be able to offer such a joyous day, as we take them in the Old City of Jerusalem, show them the history, archeology, bringing a true meaning of who they are (past and present) and plant a hope for their own future.

It is a privilege and an honor that we all can be a blessing in their lives. Each Bar or Bat Mitzvah child will receive a gift package valued at $850, which will include an iPad, and other special gifts.

Thank you for being a part of the Vision for Israel community and contributing to this event. It truly feels like a victory against the darkness and evil.

We pray that you will continue to join us in our support for vital programs for young men like Shmuel, and we welcome your contributions.

May the Lord bless and keep you.

Shalom from your friends,

Barry, Batya, and the VFI Team

"Enjugará Dios toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos; y ya no habrá muerte, ni habrá más llanto, ni clamor, ni dolor; porque las primeras cosas pasaron."

Apocalipsis 21:4

¿Está dispuesto a bendecir a Israel, hacer una diferencia en la vida de las personas y asociarse con el plan de Dios para la restauración de la tierra de Israel?

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Vision for Israel
P.O. Box 7743
Charlotte, NC 28241
United States
T: +1 (704) 583-8445
F: +1 (704) 583-8308

Hazon Le’Israel
P.O. Box 9145
Modi'in, 7178451
T: +972 (8) 978 6400
F: +972 (8) 978 6429

Visión para Israel es una organización benéfica 501(c)(3). Todas las contribuciones designadas para proyectos específicos serán aplicadas a esos proyectos, y podemos evaluar usar hasta el 20% en administrar la donación. Ocasionalmente, recibimos más contribuciones para un proyecto dado que lo que se puede aplicar sabiamente para ese proyecto. Cuando eso sucede, empleamos estos fondos para suplir una necesidad premiante similar.

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