What our supporters and partners have to say.
...while I served as the Executive Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem from 2001 to 2011, I watched [Barry & Batya] build an exciting non-profit organization... Vision for Israel. The work that this relief agency does in Israel is most impressive as it reaches out to all members of the community who need help, care, and a much-needed step up in life. The social care and aid that it dispenses throughout Israeli are done with absolute financial integrity. This is true because Barry and Batya are most aware of their donor’s wishes, and are personally and deeply involved in the distribution of such aid.
Malcolm Hedding
Member of the Board of Directors

It has been my privilege to have known Barry and Batya Segal for many years and to have served on their boards in both the UK and USA. Integrity is so important today and my years of observation of Barry and Batya, and the work they do through Vision for Israel, is that integrity is the key. No airs and graces. No superstar celebrities. Just working hard for the Lord they service. As they combine worship and teaching and service to the community throughout Israel, I see the hand of God upon them and their lives. I am blessed to recommend their work to others.
Gordon Pettie
Trustee/Finance, Revelation TV

“We have worked closely with Vision for Israel over the last 5 years and love their ministry and the Segal’s heart for their commitment to providing humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and community support throughout Israel. Vision for Israel operates with integrity and purpose and is a blessing to all who are recipients of its goodwill.“
Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries

“There are many organizations in Israel and elsewhere that do this type of work, but I have found a home helping Vision for Israel. To me, it is the best organization there can be for this type of work. I always pray and ask for special blessings to be given to them and I believe that is happening.”
Rav Nate Seitelbach
The Hope of Zion Congregation

We have been in cahoots with Barry & Batya since... 1998. A big heart for Yeshua, worship, the nation of Israël, and the poor and needy in The Land always seem to go hand in hand in the Segal's lives, combined with a clear prophetic message about the church & the place of Israël in these end times. We have seen firsthand how big their vision is and how incredibly hard they work. The fact that Vision for Israél and The Joseph Storehouse is allowed to distribute goods even in times of lockdown, speaks volumes to their high standing with government officials across the board.
Frank & Marlou van Essen
Worship Leaders