For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
In these times of apprehension and struggle for many, it isn’t unnatural to spare a thought for the bigger picture: “What’s next for me?”
Eventually, we expect we’ll all get back to something that resembles normal daily life—hopefully with our health and livelihoods still intact—but what about happens after that?
What do you think life will have in store for you—when your mortal life is over?
Because of our faith in God, we feel we have a pretty good grasp on this question. As followers of Yeshua (Jesus), we understand that we’re destined to walk with Him in heaven. But along with our corporal selves, we know we will also bequeath to the earth and to our loved ones a number of possessions when we pass on. And what will become of them?
At Vision for Israel, we understand that matters of legacy can be complicated—and sometimes tough to talk about. So we’ve put together a brochure that sheds some light on the process, and we hope you will find it helpful.
As you may expect, legacy gifts are a vital and life-giving part of what keeps us going. And our mission to bless and serve the people of Israel could not go on without the heroic generosity of people like you—who are every day choosing to include us in your legacies—and marking yourselves as lifelong benefactors to the generations beyond.
We hope that this information brings some comfort to you and that it encourages you to take a few appropriate steps—so that you can rest assured that your earthly affairs are in order, and ready to serve a further purpose when you no longer have use for them.
His descendants will be mighty on earth; The generation of the upright will be blessed.
Psalm 112:2