“Nevertheless, the time will come when I will heal Jerusalem’s wounds and give it prosperity and true peace. I will restore the fortunes of Judah and Israel and rebuild their towns.”
Jeremiah 33:6-7
Trauma is a very real issue that the entire nation of Israel has to battle with as a “normal” part of life. And now more than ever, trauma is running rampant throughout the nation of Israel since the horrific terrors of October 7th, 2023. Israelis are in desperate need of God’s healing, true peace, and restoration.
VFI recognizes how these terrorists have caused great destruction and trauma in the lives of many. Therefore, we see great value in coming alongside Israelis who are battling trauma to help them rebuild their lives. One precious Israeli that we have been able to support is a woman named Re’ut*. She has received help from the welfare department for several months, along with rehabilitation through the National Insurance Institute.
From a young age, Re’ut was exposed to terrorist attacks and horrific trauma. She grew up in Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, a Jewish settlement in the middle of Judea and Samaria. This small Jewish town is completely surrounded by Arab villages. Therefore, the Jewish communities living there have faced the reality and fear of terror attacks daily.
As a little girl, Re’ut experienced terrorists attempting to break into her home several times. Can you imagine the amount of fear that puts into a little girl’s heart? Sadly, much worse things happened to Re’ut. One horrific trauma that Re’ut experienced was being raped by several Arabs. She managed to run away from them, but could not run away from the trauma that scarred her innocent heart and body.
Re’ut didn’t let this trauma keep her from living her life. She got married and had kids, but she couldn’t run from the pain, hurt, and trauma. She was recognized as a victim of hostility with post-traumatic stress disorder. When October 7th happened, her husband got called to serve in the army, and she lost a baby in pregnancy. Her mental state became even more unstable and her anxiety increased, which also affected her entire family.
Due to all of this, Re’ut, who is a graphic designer, has not been able to work for two years. Her husband has been working hard to provide for their financial needs, taking care of the home, and trying to support his wife in the best way he knows including escorting her every time she leaves and enters the settlement.
Re'ut is currently in rehabilitation where she is focusing on the occupational aspect. VFI desired to help Re’ut get back on her feet and gave her a laptop so she could go back to work from home as a graphic designer. Being able to work remotely on something she enjoys could help her heal, overcome some of her anxiety, and help improve her family’s financial situation.
After Re’ut received the laptop, she wrote us a beautiful letter of gratitude. She wrote:
How does one begin to say thank you when there are no words that could truly express it? During these days, when the whole nation of Israel is dealing with, and also us personally, severe terror attacks, my husband being drafted, the loss of a pregnancy, and the post-trauma, I came to a state of collapse.
But what kept me going is the saying "Wherever there is destruction there will be expansion". The Arabs wanted to destroy us and I chose to expand my heart, despite the difficulty.
But it's impossible to do this alone. Your help gave me the strength and the light within the darkness. Thanks to you I will be able to rise up from the trouble, and not just me, but also my children and my family. You have rescued me from a mental breakdown, and God forbid, suicide.
My heart says thank you, thank you, thank you. You have been the messengers to be my light.
From young to old, the people of Israel are battling through trauma right now on many different levels. We invite you to join us in praying for and financially supporting the people of Israel for such a time as this. Pray for God to heal their hearts from all the trauma and rebuild their lives to become even stronger!
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
*Name has been changed