Safety Shelter Saves 9 Lives Amid Rocket Attack Tragedy

Monday, July 29, 2024

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34:18

Dear Friends,

We write to you with heavy hearts following a devastating event that struck the Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. On Saturday, July 27th, at 6:18 in the evening, a rocket launched by Hezbollah hit the town, targeting a soccer field where around 60 children were playing. This horrific attack resulted in the tragic loss of 12 young lives and left 40 others injured.

Just five days prior, on July 22nd, Vision for Israel had installed three safety shelters in Majdal Shams. In this moment of crisis, one of these shelters played a critical role in saving lives. Homeland Security reported to us that a doctor from Majdal Shams, who was present during the attack, confirmed that his son managed to run to one of our safety shelters and was saved. Despite being hit by the blast, the shelter protected nine children who were able to find refuge inside.

The Homeland Security wrote to us on Sunday, one day after the attack:

“We interviewed a doctor from Majdal Shams who was at the event, he said that his son did manage to run to the safety shelter and was saved in the end, he was hit by the blast but the safety shelter did save lives there. I heard... on News 13 saying 9 children managed to get into the safety shelter. We are also investigating this with the authorities to see how many more lives were preserved. Thank God some survived.”

We are grateful to God for these lives saved, yet our hearts break for the families mourning their lost loved ones. The impact of this attack is profound, and the need for safety and medical support in such vulnerable communities is more urgent than ever.

Our team continues to work closely with local authorities to assess the full impact and provide the necessary support. Magen David Adom (MDA) informed us that one of our ambulances was present at the scene, aiding in the swift transportation of the injured to nearby hospitals. We are awaiting further updates on their conditions and are committed to supporting their recovery.

In these times of sorrow and need, we turn to you, our faithful supporters. Your generosity enables us to provide life-saving resources and support to those affected by terror. We ask for your prayers for the victims and their families and for your continued support in our mission to protect and heal.

Thank you for standing with us and for being a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

Help us continue our mission to protect and save lives in Israel. Your donation can make a critical difference. Donate Now.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

Matthew 5:4

With heartfelt gratitude,

Barry & Batya

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