Over the last few months, we have seen the Lord provide for His people in very personal ways. It is beautiful to see the people so touched by God’s love through a practical need that we were able to meet. Thank you for the incredible impact you are making on the people here in the Land of Israel. Now, let’s take a closer look at how God provided through you and VFI to impact these precious people.
Assisting Families in Jerusalem

While the children of Israel were on summer vacation, the expenses for families were increasing significantly. For distressed families, this is a particularly difficult time. Our team set out to distribute aid to hundreds of families around the country. Each family received a magnetic gift card, hygiene products, food, and a basket of fresh vegetables. The recipients were very happy and expressed their gratitude and appreciation to VFI.
One of the recipients, a father of a family who immigrated from the former USSR, shared that his family was in need of hygiene products. They had to give them up because of their severe economic hardship. When he saw that the donation included hygiene items, he exclaimed: "I'm shocked! Wow, this is unbelievable! Everything is from God! Thank you very much!" We were very touched by his story and how God provided exactly what he and his family needed.
Youth Volunteering at the Millennium Center to Help Prepare for the Annual Pack-to-School Project

Schoolbags for Children in Need
The school year began in September and we are happy to know that the sweet children from low-income families arrived at school with high-quality school bags, just like all the other children. During July and August, the VFI team distributed school bags through our Pack to School project to about 1,000 children from low-income families throughout Israel, including Rishon Lezion, Jerusalem, Sderot, Ashdod, Petach Tikva, Lod, Rosh Ha'Ayin, Tel Aviv, Modi'in, and Netivot. Some of these children are at risk, refugee children, children with special needs, or new immigrants.
At some of the distribution points, we held fun activities for the children. On the first day of school, our hearts were filled with comfort as we remembered their sweet smiles and the words of thanks we received from these precious children. Rise and succeed, dear children!
Kiryat Malachi


Rosh Ha’ayin

Treats and Backpacks for Children at Risk at the Millennium Center

As part of our collaboration with the Yad b'Yad organization, which cares for children at risk, Vision for Israel invited dozens of children at risk in preschool through 2nd grade for a day of pampering. The children arrived in transportation sponsored by VFI from all over the country to the Millennium Center. Upon their arrival, the children received a light breakfast. The day's activities included an interactive performance by the Sippur Theater, pizza for lunch, and a gift of a backpack with stationery or a kindergarten bag. These dear children, who come from distressed families, impacted us with their smiles, words of thanks, and the light in their eyes.
Schoolbags for Asylum Seekers' Children in Tel Aviv

The VFI staff distributed 69 school bags to first graders who are asylum-seekers children in Tel Aviv. These families are treated by the municipal welfare unit Mesila, which provides them with assistance and psycho-social treatment. We met families with health problems, parents in long-term hospitalization, children with special needs, single-parent families, and more. Many live in abject poverty, without entitlement to allowances in extreme situations, with almost no rights or social services.
We received a very moving thank you letter from Mesila, saying: "I would like to point out the kindness, professionalism, and great kindness on the part of the Vision Israel team [...] They welcomed the parents and children who came to receive the school bags and did not give them even a single moment a sense of need [ ...] A huge thank you for helping many of the community's children start the year with a new backpack and with a smile."
Gift Cards to Families in Need for the Holidays
With the high holidays upon us, there is an atmosphere of leaving our troubles behind and looking ahead with hope towards the new year. Every year, Vision for Israel takes care of families who cannot put a holiday meal on the table or celebrate the holidays with dignity.
The VFI team arrived in various cities throughout Israel to distribute gift cards to about 1,500 families and individuals to help them buy groceries for the holiday meals, clothes, and anything else they might need. Among the aid recipients were the elderly, minors, parents of children with disabilities, single-parent families, new immigrants, lone soldiers, and more. Everyone expressed gratitude for the essential gift to help them celebrate the holiday comfortably, with hope and a smile.

Kiryat Malachi

Lone Soldiers