Israel’s War Continues & So Does Our Support

Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 2 — Volunteers Packing Food & Sorting Clothes For Evacuees

We were grateful to have volunteers from Modi’in help us prepare food baskets for families that were evacuated from the Gaza envelope. Our volunteers enthusiastically served these families who were displaced due to the war by preparing more than 100 food baskets for them.

Later that day, a mother and her son volunteered their time to serve together. They sorted and prepared clothes for all ages for the evacuees from the south.

Volunteers Packing

November 5 — Clothing Distribution to Evacuees in Netanya

The VFI team set out to deliver clothing to about 360 families evacuated from the Gaza envelope to a hotel in Netanya. Some of the families are from Ibim in the south and some were evacuated from Kiryat Shmonah in the north. When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the family manager and the hotel manager. We not only had the honour to deliver the donation of clothes for the whole family and toys for the children, but we also had the honour of personally meeting some of the families. We were able to encourage them and help provide some of their basic needs during such a challenging time. The representatives and families were very grateful for the generous donation, and they thanked and blessed us.


November 7 — Soft-shell Jackets for IDF Soldiers

Recently we received a special request from soldiers in a combat sector in the north of Israel. They needed help purchasing softshell jackets, which are wind/rain repellent jackets according to the army's standards.

The season is changing and the nights, especially in the north, are getting very cold. These jackets are very important since it is becoming increasingly important to keep the soldiers warm and in good health.

There are many benefits to soft-shell jackets — they are lightweight, have high resistance to weather elements, don’t absorb dirt and moisture, are very resistant to rain, are suitable for stormy weather, and can be worn over thermal jerseys, uniforms, and various types of special clothing. They also provide more freedom of movement when the soldiers are in the field.

The elite army officer personally collected the 32 jackets from us. Each was according to the sizes that were needed for his soldiers.

November 8 — Aid to Families in Need and Evacuees in Yeruham

Batya and Barry along with the VFI team, went to Yeruham for an introductory meeting with the head of the local council. They were able to get a better picture of the needs of the displaced families that are now living in Yeruham.

That day we delivered 52 food baskets, towels, duvets, and fleece blankets, a first aid kit, and clothing packages for families evacuated from the Ashkelon, Netivot, and other Gaza envelope areas, as well as families who are in need in Yeruham.

The head of the local council and the social services team were grateful. They thanked us for the donations and the future cooperation with Vision for Israel.


November 14 — First Aid Kits for United Hatzala

We purchased first aid kits for rescue units that do invaluable work every day. Especially during the war, they have provided care day and night for the citizens of Israel, the security forces, and soldiers.

Thanks to our donors’ generous donations, we were able to give 100 first-aid medic kits with contents according to the standard for use in an emergency to a representative of United Hatzala. These first-aid kits will be used by the medics and paramedics of United Hatzalah. This donation was in addition to 100 tactical medic kits that were donated over two weeks ago. 

First Aid Kits for United Hatzala

November 14 — School Supplies for Evacuated Kids in Modi'in

Even the youth of Israel are stepping up during this time to help our fellow citizens. A young 16-year-old girl named Noyah, who lives in Modi’in, got in touch with us for a special request. The 11th grader is an ambassador in the LEAD Team Jerusalem program and oversees the project "A Bag Full of Love". From the beginning of the war, this project has been collecting school supplies for kids displaced by the war who are staying in a guest house in the settlement of Maccabim, as well as in host homes with families in Modi'in.

The children were integrated with the cooperation of the Modi’in municipality and the Department of Social Services into the local schools. This helps the kids return to somewhat of a routine, meet with friends their age, and disconnect a little from the harsh reality of being evacuated from their homes.

Vision for Israel immediately got involved and purchased, at their request, 26 calculators and 10 headphones to be used by middle school and high school students.ael immediately got involved and purchased, at their request, 26 calculators and 10 headphones to be used by middle school and high school students.

School Supplies for Evacuated Kids in Modi'in

November 14 — Food Baskets to Families in Ashdod

Our faithful team distributed food baskets to 80 families in the city of Ashdod. This is the second time that we have helped families in the city of Ashdod. This city had been heavily targeted by rockets from Gaza during the Swords of Iron War. Most of the families in Ashdod are no longer working, and therefore many are in dire financial situations.

The food baskets were delivered to the representatives of welfare for families in Ashdod. These representatives shared with us the great need for aid with food baskets, gift cards, and more for the people in this city during this time. They thanked us for helping the families and people in Ashdod.

Food Baskets to Families in Ashdod

November 15 & 16 — Providing Food for Families in Rishon LeZion

Many families in Israel had to evacuate their homes in the Gaza envelope, and are now relocated to different temporary living situations all over the country. These families had to escape the conflict lines where the war was more intense. Because of this, many have had to stop working.

Due to the war, there is a high percentage of families in need throughout the country, including Rishon LeZion. The residents of this city have definitely felt the effects of this war because they have suffered from frequent rocket attacks, and one rocket even hit a home.

Our VFI team distributed food packages to 100 welfare families in the city of Rishon LeZion. This city is quite large with many people in need, so we had to deliver the packages two days in a row to cover three different areas within the city. The packages were handed over to the welfare department representatives who expressed the dire need of the families and made sure to deliver the aid to the families in need.

Food for Families in Rishon LeZion

November 20 — Food for Families in Need in Ashkelon

Our VFI team traveled to Ashkelon to deliver food baskets to show the residents our support during this difficult time of war. We gave 80 food baskets, which included basic food products and dry products like rice, coffee, flour, oil, etc.

The city of Ashkelon was hit by many rocket barrages in these last two months that completely shook the residents. Most of the residents were evacuated, but not all were entitled to assistance from the state, so they had to remain in the city and were on constant alert.

The war greatly affected the businesses and routines in the city, and the residents who remained there were in a mental and financial crisis. Therefore, any assistance is beneficial. The municipality of Ashkelon together with the welfare department established several food distribution centers as well as additional assistance according to the needs of the residents. A team of volunteers from outside the city, along with residents of Ashkelon help serve the community there.

The remains of a rocket still lay in the courtyard of their community center where the volunteers and workers were serving. We can’t even imagine what they have gone through.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the person responsible for the volunteers and distribution there. Everyone we met, blessed VFI and said that each food basket was a breath of fresh air for the families.

Food for Families in Need in Ashkelon

November 20 — Softshell Jackets for Soldiers

Barry received a request from another organization to help them purchase softshell jackets for 500 soldiers serving in elite units in the north and south of Israel.

Due to the stormy winter weather that arrived in Israel, we felt an urgency to immediately distribute the majority of the jackets. So far, we gave 240 jackets to the soldiers in the north and 100 jackets to the soldiers in the south. The rest of the jackets will be distributed in the coming days.

These jackets help ensure that the soldiers in the field maintain their health, and stay strong, warm, and well-equipped. We are grateful for the willing volunteers that we managed to recruit on short notice. They helped deliver the jackets to two different areas in the north and an area close to the Gaza Strip in the south.

The soldiers were grateful and thanked Vision for Israel and the donors for their generous and practical gift.

Softshell Jackets for Soldiers

November 21 — Technology for a Family From Sderot

We got to know Hezi and his daughters from attending different events with the Organization for Victims of Hostilities several years ago. Hezi is divorced and has two daughters. He is a devoted father even when he is not physically with them. Hezi is a resident of Sderot and his ex-wife and daughters live in a kibbutz nearby. These areas are right on the border of Gaza, and they experienced excruciating and severe trauma from the events of October 7.

Hezi and one of his daughters came to the Millennium Center to receive technology to help them pursue their studies. Hezi received a laptop to help him start his education studies (he currently works in the prison service), and his two daughters received iPads to help them study remotely. We also gave them two gift cards so they can buy coats for the winter and additional clothing they need.

Technology for a Family From Sderot

November 21 — Laptop for Golan

Golan is a photographer who has worked with us on various projects over the last few years. His family lives in Sderot, and they are survivors of the terrible massacre on October 7, 2023.

In October, we purchased two tablets for two of his daughters. Today, Golan received a professional laptop, bag, and mouse. With this gift, he will be able to install the special software he works with and be able to gradually return to work. This will help him create a healthy routine, get out from time to time, and get back to work.

Golan and his family have been relocated to Eilat until the end of January 2024. His daughters attend schools there that were set up by the municipality for the evacuees of Sderot in cooperation with the Ministry of Education.

Today, for the first time since the onset of the war, Golan went to work in Jerusalem. He came to visit us and was very excited to see us, despite all of the fears, nightmares, and worries he suffers from.

Laptop for Golan

November 22 — Radios for the Emergency Squad in Kibbutz Degania

We received a request from friends of ours to supply radios for the emergency squad of Kibbutz Degania B. This kibbutz is located in the north of Israel, about 3 km from the border with Jordan, and has 700 residents.

Due to the war, about 300 residents have been relocated from their homes in other communities near the border of Lebanon to the kibbutz.

When we arrived, we were pleasantly welcomed and were treated to a coffee in the small, yet homey cafe of the kibbutz. The VFI team met the military security coordinator of the kibbutz, and we gave him the 2-way radio devices that we had purchased for the emergency squad. There are 40 residents who volunteer in the emergency squad.

The donation included 24 portable radios, 24 microphones/speakers, and two stationary devices for the security vehicle and the HQ. The squad greatly appreciated our involvement in helping, and they were happy and excited about our support at this time.

In the past, there have been several infiltration attempts into this kibbutz from Jordan. These Israelis are aware that the Jordanians are training because they can hear them, but they don't know for what purpose. It is relatively quiet at the moment and we hope it will stay this way. However, we want them to be prepared for any scenario.

Radios for the Emergency Squad in Kibbutz Degania

November 27 — Clothing to Evacuees Relocated to Jerusalem

Today, we brought clothing to several hotels in Jerusalem to families who were evacuated from their homes in both the north and south of Israel. As we were in contact with those responsible for these families, we could see and feel the great needs of the people firsthand.

In one of the hotels, there are about 100 evacuees who are mainly from the north (Kiryat Shmona and Shlomi) and a few from Ashkelon. There are about 20 children of all ages. However, the majority of the evacuees at the hotel are elderly. The main need of this elderly population is for volunteers to escort them to the hospital or clinics since they are unfamiliar with the area. They also need someone to help them receive their full rights as they deal with all the bureaucracy.

The welfare department and the municipality were greatly touched by VFI’s desire to help these families in a practical and thoughtful way. And they also expressed that it would be helpful if we were able to provide an activity for the elderly.

Clothing to Evacuees Relocated to Jerusalem

November 28 — Food Baskets for Families in Ofakim

Assaf and Yoni distributed 80 food baskets to families in need in the city of Ofakim. When they arrived in Ofakim, they met the person in charge of the municipality's warehouse, who is also the deputy director of the municipality.

He expressed the great need for these food baskets because of the many families in need in Ofakim. The aid is very helpful to the residents because of the economic hardships that the war has brought to the southern communities in Israel. The representative blessed Vision for Israel for their generous donation.

And we, in turn, want to say, “THANK YOU” to you our generous donors! Thank you for making this work possible and for blessing the nation of Israel, especially in a time of great need during this war.

Food Baskets for Families in Ofakim

November 29 — Equipping Soldiers With Jackets

Following the distributions carried out on Nov. 20, the VFI team distributed jackets to our soldiers in two additional locations. The first distribution was at the Matan settlement in Samaria, where we gave 66 softshell jackets to soldiers. And in the second location, we gave 117 jackets to soldiers at an outpost near Mt. Hermon.

In Matan, the soldiers are protecting the area of settlements that are adjacent to the separation fence next to the West Bank. The soldiers stationed there are reserve fighters from different units and brigades, and they have been there for two months now. Many volunteers are helping the IDF, due to the war and the many different areas Israel needs to protect.

The soldiers were very thankful for the assistance they received from VFI and told us how important this donation is for them, and how much it will help them. As we told them of the support of the IDF from people all around the world, they were deeply touched! We want to say “THANK YOU” to our donors for your generous hearts and vital support to Israel at this time!

The second army base is near the north border of Israel at the foot of Mount Hermon. Since these soldiers are located at one of the highest points in the country, they are the first to experience very cold weather in Israel. The reserve soldiers stationed there are from the Golani Brigade. Their battalion was mobilized since the beginning of the war, and they are on defensive activity on the northern border.

Amazingly, the morale of these soldiers is high despite the difficulties of the war. They are in an atmosphere of unity and try to stay positive despite the pressure and challenges. The soldiers said that the north border next to Syria is not easy, especially because of the low temperatures reaching 3 to 4 C this time of year. As the winter progresses, the temperature will drop and could even reach minus 10 C.

We could feel their excitement as they received the jackets and thanked VFI. Their eagerness to receive a jacket was like someone who found gold! We are so grateful to be able to provide a basic need that will help these soldiers continue to protect the northern border of Israel.

Equipping Soldiers With Jackets

Providing Aid on the Frontline

Providing Aid on the Frontline

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Vision for Israel is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. All contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects, and we may assess up to 20% to be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need.

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