Our hearts are full of gratitude to all of you, our dear partners. Thanks to your generous donations and partnership, we can give more and increase the number of recipients. As Israelis living within our people, we will continue to restore, support the weak population, embrace all those around us and say “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever” (Psalm 107:1).
Pack to School Initiative
Every summer before the school year begins, our Vision for Israel team distributes school bags to children from distressed families.
No community is unaffected by financial difficulty in Israel, from religious to secular, Arab and Ethiopian, new immigrants, victims of terrorism, at-risk children, asylum seekers, migrant workers, and more.
Our heart is to reach every child in need and ensure they begin the new school year confident, equal to their peers, and ready to focus on academics.
Supporting Ukrainian New Immigrants
The ongoing war in Ukraine continues to cause a significant immigration crisis. Refugees and new immigrants arriving in Israel suffer from post-trauma and severe economic hardship.
Vision for Israel is in contact with organizations that provide aid to refugees – supplying them with clothing, textiles, and essential equipment. In partnership with these organizations, we distributed equipment for children, babies, women, and men as a donation with the intent of helping them rebuild their lives.
Our hearts are with the lost, and we hope that through these donations, they will feel the warmth of a home they left behind.

Scholarship Initiative - Honor Where Honor is Due
One of the causes dear to our hearts is the brave victims of hostilities, people who are salt of the earth, overcoming extreme hardship to continue to be a rock and a pillar for their families.
For several years, we have had the privilege to support and collaborate with the organization of victims of hostilities in a scholarship initiative. Through this partnership, we have been able to touch many families in need of assistance by awarding 76 scholarships to students who most needed the blessed assistance.
Bomb Shelters - Creating a Safe Space
We at Vision for Israel continue the operation to provide resources and protection for those living in the south, especially for the cities located near conflict areas.
In the last year, close to 90 bomb shelters were installed. It is an honor and privilege as an organization to help provide safety and security for those around the nation. Your generosity and kindness are an active part of saving lives during times of war!

Food Baskets for Families in Need
The summer holiday has just come to an end in Israel. With the rise of inflation and kids being out of school, expenses were higher than usual, and many parents had difficulty working.
Vision for Israel regularly distributes food baskets to needy families, including several cities in the center and south of the country. The smiles and words of gratitude from those receiving the aid warmed our hearts, and we were elated for the opportunity to help them during the challenging summer vacation.
Getting through the High Holidays
With the High Holidays upon us, and as we enter a season of new beginnings, Vision for Israel has not forgotten the hungry as no one should ever be without the means to celebrate with a festive meal.
Gratefully, we were able to pass out financial vouchers to hundreds of individuals and families in need in cities and communities in central Israel, and the families expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the financial aid they received!
Their fulfillment is our success, and none of this would be possible without you, our generous donors, who bless the families of Israel!
The Millenium Center is Open to Visitors
After a two-year hiatus during a difficult world crisis, Vision for Israel is finally hosting tour groups again at the Millennium Center!
We love hosting, spending time together, and building the Kingdom of God in Israel with you. What doesn't go unnoticed is the constant generosity of our visitors, who bless us with their friendship and bring us essential items for families in need.
Thank you for being an essential part of the vision to reach all of Israel!

New Glasses for a Woman in Need
One of the families Vision for Israel loves to aid whenever we can, is a precious couple whose lives have been affected by rocket attacks and who recently requested our help purchasing multifocal glasses.
The father of the family has been recognized as a disabled victim of hostilities since 2005 and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. The mother suffered from cataracts, underwent surgery, and needed multifocal glasses.
When we heard of their request, we jumped on the opportunity to make their difficult lives even a little easier.
In addition to aiding with purchasing the multifocal glasses, we were able to help them every holiday with financial vouchers.