Hope Through Loss

Saturday, September 21, 2024

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34:18

Dear Friends,

We are reaching out to you today to share a deeply personal story that underscores the importance of our new project for widows of terror victims. This November, Vision for Israel will be launching a series of therapeutic workshops designed to bring healing and comfort to these brave women who have endured unimaginable loss.

One such woman is Shoshana, who recently faced a harrowing experience that will forever mark her family. On the morning of October 7, Simchat Torah, Shoshana, her husband Ariel, their children, and extended family celebrated the holiday at their in-laws' home in Ofakim. Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the sound of sirens and gunfire. As they sought shelter, it became clear that the very streets they lived on had become a battleground.

Amid this terror, Shoshana’s husband, Ariel, showed extraordinary bravery. As terrorists attempted to break into their home, Ariel urged Shoshana and the children to escape through a window. While Shoshana, her sister-in-law Michal, and their children hid on the roof, Ariel stayed behind, ultimately sacrificing his life to protect his loved ones. His actions were nothing short of heroic, and his family believes that his sacrifice was what saved them.

Now, Shoshana and many others like her are left to navigate the overwhelming grief and trauma of such profound loss. These therapeutic workshops, beginning with a pilot event at the Millennium Center, are designed to offer a safe space for healing, where widows like Shoshana can find comfort, express their emotions, and begin to rebuild their lives.

Each workshop will include a half-day of creative activities, a relaxing brunch, and a special gift for every participant. The first event will host 50 women, and each subsequent workshop will welcome a different group, ensuring that as many as possible receive the care and support they desperately need.

We believe in the power of creativity and community to heal the brokenhearted. Through art, fellowship, and shared experiences, these workshops will provide a lifeline to those who need it most. But we cannot do this alone. We need your help to make these events possible.

Your donation will directly support these workshops, funding the materials, meals, and gifts that will uplift these women during their darkest hours. With your support, we can expand this project to reach even more widows who are in desperate need of comfort and care.

Please consider donating today to help us bring healing to the widows of terror victims in Israel. Together, we can offer them the hope and support they need to move forward.

Thank you for your compassion and support. May the Lord bless you richly for your generosity.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

Matthew 5:4

With heartfelt gratitude,

Barry & Batya Segal

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