A Life-Changing Visit – Providing for a Mother and Her Children

Friday, November 11, 2022

“God hears every unspoken word, sees every unseen wound, mends every unbearable pain. Have faith and be strong.”


Can you imagine the feeling of being adopted as a baby? Well, this is how *Henni’s story began. Only after being in this world for a few weeks, an ultra-Orthodox family adopted Henni. However, when Henni turned 16, she ran away from home and her family. She suffered from abuse and didn’t want to stay there anymore. As a result she found herself wandering the streets without any sense of identity and belonging. Finally, she found a safe and warm home in the center of Israel that was specifically for girls at risk. After staying there for two years, it was time to serve in the IDF. During her service, she met her future husband and soon after they got married.

After the birth of their second child, the father disappeared and never came back. This left Henni feeling rejected once again and all alone. She had no time to feel sorry for herself. She had to take care of her toddler and baby with no job, no family she could turn to for help, no income, and no support. She was grateful to have her two children, but she didn’t know how she would provide for her kids or herself.

“To rob the needy of justice, and to take what is right from the poor of My people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless.“ — Isaiah 10:2

Trying to survive against all odds, Henni started working with elderly people. She cleaned for them and cared for their needs. It was hard and the income didn't cover the basic monthly expenses like rent, utilities and all the rest.

A request from the social authorities came to assist her. Vision for Israel team visited Henni at her home. The apartment where they were living was lacking the most basic furniture, no chairs, no table, broken beds. The old rusty refrigerator was empty and had no food. The children were hungry and suffering from malnutrition. Henni also suffered from health issues due to lack of nourishing food, which was only a small symbol of her difficult physical and mental state.

This visit to Henni’s house was a turning point for the family and for our staff. Right away we realised Henni is someone very special. From that point on, the family received ongoing support of food packs and financial vouchers, furniture, a new refrigerator, school bags for the kids, clothes, and heaters. All of these provisions helped her realize that her prayers had been answered. As our team just loved on Henni, we saw how she never expected anything and always wanted to give something in return. She literally had nothing, and yet the little she had she wanted to give to us so we could bless others in need. On one occasion, she handed us a bag of brand new clothes she was given by another charity organization. She said, “I don't need these nice clothes. Please give it to a needy family”.

Henni’s life was transformed. We saw through the years how she became a happier person, started taking care of herself, and was looking healthier. Her children were also improving socially and doing so much better in school.

With a grateful heart, Henni sends us messages of blessings and thanks. She never misses an opportunity to phone our office simply to bless our work and our team. Every holiday and every few months, she calls us to simply say, “Hope you all are well. Just calling to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers”.

We love to just be there for others and to see the real change in those we embraced throughout the years. There are thousands of young people who are searching for an ear to hear, an eye to see, and a heart to care.

The sincere words of thanks and blessings reflect to us how essential the help is to the recipients. God opened the doors for you and us to be a blessing, and we consider this as an amazing opportunity and a privilege.

We invite you to partner with us as God uses us to make a huge impact on the precious lives here in Israel.

“I am sure of this very thing—that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the Day of Messiah Yeshua.” — Philippians 1:6

*Name has been changed.

Are you willing to bless Israel, make a difference in the lives of people, and partner with God's plan for restoration of the land of Israel?

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