For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; for the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.
Isaiah 25:4
Over the last six years, Israel has worked hard to lower their poverty levels. However, there has been recent news that poverty has begun to slowly rise. Today, almost 2 million Israeli’s live in poverty.
The people group that is falling into poverty at higher rates is the senior citizens. Throughout 2021, the poverty rate for senior citizens rose from 16.4 % to 17.6 %. There has also been an increase in poverty in families from 20.6% to 21%, and in children from 27.2% to 28%.
Many people are also living on the edge of poverty, meaning they are barely able to maintain enough finances to supply their and their families' needs. Some had to go without medicine or medical care because they could not afford it. Others have not even been able to provide a hot meal for themselves or their family.
VFI is making great efforts to reach out to at least 100 families each week. We assist them with food and financial help, in addition to helping them with crucial medical needs.
Now more than ever, we need to join forces in doing all we can to help the poor in Israel. As we partner together, we can impact the lives of so many people in desperate need of food, medicine, care, and much more.
I was eyes to the blind, and I was feet to the lame. I was a father to the poor, and I searched out the case that I did not know. — Job 29:15-16
So, maybe you are thinking, “How can I help?” Well, just by giving $100 you will supply one family with healthy and nutritional food, as well as other household items. Your faithful giving can change lives by helping keep food on the table for the increasing amount of families, children, and senior citizens in poverty.
As we faithfully take care of the one God puts in front of us, He will not only impact that one individual but will also impact the nation as a whole. Together, we can make a difference in Israel by providing for the needs of the poor.
We invite you to take action today and give a special gift to help the poor! Donate here.