Praising God for 2022
“Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness.”
Psalm 150:2
Dear Partners,
As we begin the new year of 2023, we want to take a moment to give praise to the Lord for all He has done in and through Vision for Israel in 2022.
Thank you Lord for the love You poured out on each person that was in need, for the finances You provided, for every prayer answered. We are grateful for each person we were able to serve, for our team, and the strength You gave us to continue to be the hands and feet on the ground here in Israel.
Vision for Israel was founded twenty-nine years ago to bless and assist needy families and new immigrants. Many of the new Olim (new immigrants) arrived to Israel with no family, no savings, no work and didn’t even speak the language. They were struggling to integrate and build a life here. Barry, himself, was a new immigrant and a lone soldier, so he could relate to the challenges they were all facing. This was in the beginning.
And what happened in all the years of our existence? The race to help and support the needy never stopped. Every year we increased the number of people supported, the aid that came out of the organization’s warehouses only increased. Shipments that arrived from abroad and financial donations helped to invest in building lives and seeing the fruit we see today. There is no doubt that the population is growing from all directions, a high birth rate and the continued arrival of immigrants to the land of Israel. Terror attacks and Holocaust survivors who suffer from severe loneliness. are some of our most precious recipients of aid. Vision for Israel’s support is only growing and expanding.
Today, we stand in awe of how God has touched the lives of over a million people through VFI. It started from a small old barn-like warehouse to now working out of the Millennium Centre, which is an incredible miracle, serving thousands of people each year. Over 50,000 emergency calls have been responded to through the help of the five ambulances, five medicycles, one blood mobile, and two fire and rescue ATV’s donated by all of you. Hundreds of thousands of at risk children have been blessed with educational assistance through our “Pack to School” project. Nearly 100 safety bomb shelters have been installed on the borders of Israel. Thousands of Holocaust victims have been embraced through many VFI social events. Medical and emergency supplies have been provided to many hospital and rehabilitation facilities. Countless lives have been saved and greatly impacted throughout 2022.
Millions of shekels have been invested for the poor and needy families here in Israel. Your prayers and support continue to empower us to move forward and accomplish so much with a very small team. Our staff is committed to serve and do all they can to bring comfort and support needed to the people of Israel.
For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ - Matthew 25:35-36
God has done some remarkable works through your donations, prayers, and ongoing support. Let’s take a look at some of the faces of these precious people that were greatly impacted by your love and support throughout 2022 in this photo album below:
With blessings comes great responsibility and ours is to share with you the joy of giving!
“For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.’” - Deuteronomy 15:11
Bless the Lord for He has done great things,
Barry, Batya, and the VFI team
Investing in the Lives of Holocaust Survivors

We invested in the lives of Holocaust Survivors by creating fun events and workshops for them to enjoy throughout the year. Some of the events included musical mornings with dancing and tasty food, and various cultural activities all year round.
Purim Celebration for Terror Survivors

Purim party to give joy and comfort to victims of terror attacks. We had nearly 300 participants and their families at the Millennium Centre.
Adopting Families and Helping Them with Ongoing Assistance

We have adopted families into our organization to help them with ongoing assistance. About 300 families/individuals each month were supported and cared for through vouchers, food basket deliveries, basic household and special request items. In total, nearly 5,000 families received direct aid from VFI throughout the year.
A Shelter and Strong Tower from the Enemy - More Shelters Posted

Miraculously, we placed over 90 mobile shelters in several cities, towns, and villages with the support of our dear friends from the nations this year! Thousands of rockets land in Israel. From the moment the alarm sounds until the rocket hits the ground, the citizens only have 15-45 seconds to reach a shelter!
Locking Mechanisms for Mobile Shelters

20 of the 50 were provided to keep the shelters open only in times of emergency. We have another 30 locking systems to place.
Refugees and the Wounded from Ukraine

VFI purchased emergency equipment and medicine for a field hospital located on the border of Ukraine. Doctors and medics from Israel staffed this hospital in Ukraine.
Event for Victims of Violence and Terror
Women's Day – We hosted a day for women who have experienced trauma or violence. They received a day full of training lectures, workshops, and treats.
Cultural Night for Those in Need
We hosted a special cultural event to gather some of the people that have received aid from VFI. About 500 recipients attended and enjoyed a musical show about Israel together.
Hundreds of First Grade Children Receiving School Packs

This year hundreds of children entering into the first grade received school supplies and backpacks to start their school year. It brings the total to 285,000 kids from the beginning of this project. Just one smile on a child’s face speaks a thousand words!
Investing in Education
We supported 120 students with grants toward their studies in university. We also helped victims of terror in furthering their studies and/or changing their career.
Saving Lives Providing Emergency and Disaster Relief Equipment

Emergency and medical equipment were also provided for rescue units in the southern settlements of Israel. In the last years over 50,000 emergency calls have been responded to through the help of the five ambulances, five medicycles, one blood mobile, and two fire and rescue ATV’s donated by all of you.
Holiday Giving

During the high holidays (Passover and Rosh HaShanah), we provided vouchers and food baskets to about 2,000 people including lone soldiers, terror victims, new immigrants, holocaust survivors, and families in need.
Celebration Bar/Bat Mitzvah Children with Special Gifts

We hosted a Bar/Bat Mitzvah event for terror victims some of whom were orphans; 67 teenage boys and girls enjoyed a day full of surprises, celebrations, learning about the history of Jerusalem, singing, music, lectures, and meals together.
Rehabilitation Through Art and Music

At Vision for Israel, we are working on rehabilitation through music and the arts.

We welcome the help of the loving visiting volunteer groups anytime. You are a blessing!
The Millennium Centre is Open to Visitors

After a two-year hiatus during a difficult world crisis, Vision for Israel is finally hosting tour groups again at the Millennium Centre!
Letter from The President of the State of Israel

This is a letter from President Yitzhak Herzog after the Bar Mitzvah event in 2021 that took place at the official residence for 60 children who were victims of hostilities:
Dear Barry and Batya,
I was excited to receive your letter and I want to thank you for your
condolences and care following my mother’s passing away.
I was happy to see you and get to know VFI’s activity at the recent
Bar and Bat Mitzvah event—and even more so, the story that you brought to my attention in the letter touched my heart. Your ability to look with open eyes at the reality; to recruit partners, resources, time, and means to help the underprivileged in general and terror survivors, in particular, is inspiring and enables all of us to have an optimistic outlook on the future of the state of Israel.
I wish you both a long life with health and goodness, and may you continue the meaningful work for the entire Israeli society.
Your success is the success of us all.
Warm wishes,
Yitzhak Herzog
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts.”
Psalm 105:1-2
Our hope is that your heart is filled with praise to the Lord for the wonderful and remarkable acts He has done in 2022. Let us bring in this new year of 2023 with praises to the Lord. We pray that wherever you are, you will share in the wonderful acts God has done here in the land of Israel.
Your prayers are valuable, therefore, we invite you to pray with us about these requests this year:
- Increase our support by at least 20% to more families and individuals in distress.
- Reach out to more victims of terror attacks.
- Assist more children at risk
- Set up 100 more mobile shelters throughout the northern and southern borders
- More laborers to help with distribution
- Groups from around the world to visit us
We are so grateful for you, dear friend, and we are expectant to hear what God will do in and through your life in this coming year, as well!