A New Turning Point

Saturday 3 April 2021


They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, declares the LORD, to deliver you.”

Jeremiah 1:19

Dear Friends,

On 26 March 2021, NASA announced that the earth is completely safe from any potential calamity-causing asteroid for the next 100 years. The 100 foot long 9943 Apophis asteroid will fly by the earth on 13 April 2029. It will be within 20,000 miles above the surface of the earth and we will all be able to see it visibly without binoculars and telescopes. This should allay us of any fears of an asteroid striking the earth and ending life as we know it.

Are we ready?

However, a far greater calamity faces us on earth in the not-so-distant future—the next war in the Middle East. This next war or coming wars, will not be like anything we’ve seen before, and it’s been weighing heavily on my heart.

For the last several years, Iran has been in fast-forward motion to obtain nuclear weapons. News agencies have under-reported this, and have minimized the significance of the shadow wars that have been taking place between Israel and Iran behind the scenes.

Old prophecy, current times

Nevertheless, despite all of these events, the pieces of the biblical prophetic puzzle are fitting into place quickly for a soon coming war. I dare not predict dates and rarely has anyone ever prophesied a war ahead of time as it certainly comes upon us when we least expect it.

The facts on the ground are just a few items of what will take place. The next war against us will be a multi-front attack from potentially the following: Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria, the Houthis in Yemen, pro-Iranian militias in Iraq, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip—and add to that the unknown possibilities of Turkey and Russia’s involvement.

The Lord will fight for us

This war will be devastating in many respects since Israel’s present enemies claim to have an arsenal of around 150,000 missiles, both short and long-range, not to mention the new generation of drones used in warfare. It is reported by Israel’s generals that between 1,000 to 2,000 missiles will be launched against Israel daily.

Add to this the growing alliance between President Putin in Russia, Turkey’s President Erdogan, and Iran’s Jihadist leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and it looks more and more like the formation of nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38; the war of Gog and Magog.

Bracing for Battle

In the last few years, Israel has flown over 1,000 sorties to bomb missile-producing factories in Syria and Iraq financed and instigated by Iran—not to mention other areas unknown to us over the last 10 years. Whether from Israel or a combination of nations involved, cyber warfare has been going on back and forth between Iran, Israel, and the West. The mantra from Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF, and other western and Middle Eastern nations whom Iran is against has been, “We will not allow Iran to achieve nuclear weaponry.” Something is bound to happen.

Israel is preparing

During this coming summer, Israel will be preparing again for war—as it has been doing in the north of Israel for the last couple of years due to rising tensions on the Syrian and Lebanese border. The IDF will have a month-long large-scale exercise take place inside and outside of Israel’s borders. It is said to be the largest military exercise ever and will stretch the capabilities of Israel’s special forces, the Air Force, the Navy, and both regular and reserve soldiers.

As mentioned in the Israeli press, the month-long exercise will include a multiple-front battle scenario where the north, south, Judea, and Samaria are all in play—a worst-case scenario for the IDF.

This conflict will place civilians as the target. They will be in the frontlines. Our plan to use all resources to help save lives, and to support and embrace survivors in times of great need.

What can we do?

At Vision for Israel, we can participate in Israel’s defence in this hour of great need. As we have said many times before, “When a crisis comes, it's too late to prepare.” We must take a holistic approach to increase our awareness and preparedness.

Our small fleet of donated ambulances and medi-cycles for first responders and medical personnel has already responded to over 27,000 emergency calls—most of them tending to wounded persons, both Jewish and Arab.

Life-saving equipment

Vision for Israel also continues to purchase medical beds for critical care units in hospitals, medical emergency kits for doctors in the field, and a state-of-the-art blood bank vehicle that is currently being built in the US, to be shipped to Israel.

Caring for survivors

We are assisting those suffering from various types of PTSD, and children and single mothers who have suffered from domestic violence—not to mention the high rate of unemployment because of Covid-19. I finally understand the words of Yeshua when he said, “The poor will be with you always.”

Avenue of hope

NOW is the time to prepare! Now is the time to build up the necessary resources! Now is the time to order and purchase! Now is the time to get people back on their feet after the multiple lockdowns and thousands of deaths because of the pandemic.

As the Israel Defence Forces are preparing, so too Vision for Israel is making a clarion call to all of you; Let us prepare and build up the arsenal for giving in a time of need. In this, they will see our love to provide an avenue of hope and deliverance from the Lord Himself.

Together we can bring hope and make a difference!

All donations will be going to help save lives and restore the spiritual and physical needs of the people in Israel.

In His Shalom,

Barry & Batya

“‘Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.”

Ezekiel 38:7-8

Are you willing to bless Israel, make a difference in the lives of people, and partner with God's plan for restoration of the land of Israel?

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